Therefore, in v-Ray for Revit, the proxy appears first in colors. vrmesh format doesn't keep information about the proxy materials, it keeps only its material IDs. Therefore, they are visible only at render time. Note that proxies don't have visual representation in the Revit viewport. vrmesh, you can drag&drop it in the V-Ray Asset Browser. Note that if you only specify a name for the vrmesh, the output file will be saved to C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Revit\tools and in case you specify a path, the vrmesh will be saved there.ĥ. The path to it will appear automatically. See the correct syntax for the command prompt on the attached image. How to do this: open File Explorer, go to the tools folder, then click on the File Explorer address bar (the bar where you see the path written), type in "cmd" and click enter. Basically, all you need to do is to run a command prompt from the ply2vrmesh tool location, which is C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for Revit\tools. You can find plenty of such files online.ģ. vrmesh, visit our help page here: Ī very common format is the. For a list of all supported file formats, which can be converted to. vrmesh using the ply2vrmesh.exe converter. Therefore, you will need to convert some other files to.

vrmesh, you can either drag&drop it over the RPC you want to replace, or you can navigate to it using the file browse dialog that pops up in the RPC Proxies tab of the V-Ray Asset Browser.Ģ.

To replace an RPC with a V-Ray Proxy first you need to have a proxy, i.e.